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Hello Guys.
Is this normal or why can’t i add a Role to my user? Please help me thank you

You have to use the user ID, not the name. Do a lookup of the user in a step before, then in that step, use the ID of the previous step. 

Hi @fxstrading 

Can you pick another user and test? this may be associated with the user “simon” you are trying to add role to. Also send a screenshot of your “set up action” menu in the zap.

So i tested it with a new website user and Discord user that is linked to that one and it hasn’t worked as seen on the screenshot. 

I made a new Zap and configuered it new but same problem 


I don’t know if the Discord Zap bot has probably not enough Permissions but i gave him every rights that i can give him.

Hi @fxstrading 

Can you pick another user and test? this may be associated with the user “simon” you are trying to add role to. Also send a screenshot of your “set up action” menu in the zap.

Hello Sir. 
Thank you for the fast respond :)

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I will now to try to do it with another user thanks sir.

Hi @fxstrading 

Can you pick another user and test? this may be associated with the user “simon” you are trying to add role to. Also send a screenshot of your “set up action” menu in the zap.