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Hello. Kind of a newbie to Zapier.

I currently have a ton of images attached to a Formstack form that I need to download and archive. Formstack does not have a method of mass downloading images. You can go into each form, and each form entry and manually open each image, download it, close it, and go to the next one. Needless to say, this is less than desirable.

I exported all the form entries into a CSV file and they provide a URL to the images, but I’m still in the same boat of manually opening and saving each one.

I thought there might be a way with Zapier. I hoped I could create a Google Sheet that had each URL as it’s own record (row) and using that link to upload to Dropbox. It all connected and looks good until I specify what the file is in Google Sheets. Zapier initially sais the field is empty (which it isn’t). I tweaked the URL and added “www.” and then it saw it was not empty. But then when it ran, it just made a TXT file of the URL, not the image I wanted to download.

I tried it will Google Drive as well, with similar results.


So, my main questions are: 1) Is there a way to download all files attached to a Formstack form en masse, OR 2) Is there a way to get Dropbox or Google Drive or something similar to grab the actual file and not the path and filename?

Thanks for your time.



Thank you.

I think I may have found an answer for my #2 question last night. It took some digging but I did find an article on your support page with “Known Issues with Dropbox”. And it does say that Dropbox can not accept a link as a file as it’s a multi-step process (going to link, downloading the file, and uploading to Dropbox). 

So, as it’s not the result I was hoping for, at least I know the reason and can look at alternative solutions.

However, it does not help answer my first and main question on how to get file attachments from a Formstack form. I can do it from this point forward having Zapier or a Dropbox integrate with Formstack to place the images in Dropbox on any new submissions, but it doesn’t help with everything up to this point. Unless I want to go through the thousands of individual forms I have and download each attachment individually. Really hoping for an easier, more automated way.

Thank you. If they can help with my #1 question, I would greatly appreciate it.

Hi @Kyle.Pelton ,

Thanks for reaching out!

I am going to escalate this to Support as they will be able to take a look at your specific mapping to troubleshoot. Sit tight and they will be in touch just as soon as they can!

Hey @Kyle.Pelton - We sent you a few messages but haven’t heard back. Please let us know about the requested information that our team needs to answer your question. Thank you and look forward to hearing back from you!