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Hello community,

I know that the Schedule by Zapier app can trigger a Zap on a specific day of the week, or a date in a month but what if i can't use it because i have already another trigger?

 So here is the scenario: Let's say i have multiple auto generated invoices, they will be generated like the 30 or 31 of each month (28/29 if february), and i want them to be sent automatically with Zapier to each of my customer, only the first 1 of each months. I mean if they are generated the 31 december 2022, they will be sent the 01/01/2023 and the same for the next months.

Can you help me to make this automation possible with Zapier please?


Thank you !

Hi @Henry Mcguire 

You can schedule Zapier to run the first of every month using a scheduler trigger. 

Or if you’ve got Zapier running when an invoice is created and you just want to delay until the first of the next month you can use a delay step like so


Hi @Henry Mcguire, welcome to the Community!

It would be great to have more context here so we can find the best way to do this. How are the invoices generated (eg which app?) And are you generating them using a Zap? Or would the generation of the invoice be the Zap trigger? 
