
Data validation is deleted from Google sheet when new row created from Typeform

  • 31 May 2021
  • 1 reply

A new row is created with the responses of my Typeform, so far so good. However, I have a data validation in a column that is not being filled automatically and it keeps disappearing when the row is created. Is there any way I can keep the data validation in that specific column cell when creating a row from the form responses?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi @andreai,

When you use Google Sheet integration, the automation inserts a new row, it doesn’t update the row. That might cause your data validation to not work. You can use “Find row” and “Update Row” function to set up a system where there is row filled in spreadsheet it marks a cell True and the next rows stays False and this way you can setup Zapier to update a row instead of inserting.