
Google Drive error: The app returned "Error 404 (Not Found)!!1".

I am trying to create the following Zap:


  1. a document was completed in Docusign
  2. upload the signed document to GDrive
  3. Create a new folder, name it based on the Recipient Name (from docusign)
  4. move the file uploaded in step 2 into the folder created in step 3.

I get stuck on Step 4. no matter what i do, i get the error: Failed to create a moved file in Google Drive
The app returned "Error 404 (Not Found)!!1".
I tried everything in the custom field, from ‘ID’ to ‘Title’, but no success.

Can anyone help? 


7 replies

Exactly the same problem here. I guess it’s a zapier bug...

Userlevel 7
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Hi @theposch 

You shouldn’t need Step 4 if you move Step 2 to be after Step 3.

The map the ID of the GDrive Folder from Step 2 to Step 3 for where to upload the File. your screenshot, you would want to map the ID from Step 3 to Step 4.

The error is because you are mapping a File ID from Step 2 to the Folder field, which expects a Folder ID.


Userlevel 7
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Hi @eduardopicazzo 

Probably best to post your own topic with context about about your Zap steps are outlined and configured.

Hi @Troy Tessalone 


I’m trying to link paperform’s submissions with google drive in order to store uploaded files within.

I need to create a folder for every form submitted. (using the email address of the submitter as folder name). These need to be contained within a single parent folder, so I can keep everything organized.

Given the context now I’ve tried several things which none work:

1)  On submission → Create a folder on Google Drive → Upload the file into the newly created folder

Problem: The create folder zap won’t pull any data from my account despite testing a correct connection an full credentials granted… (see images below) thus I’m not able to locate the parent folder that should contain the created folders.


2) On submission → Find a folder (if not found then create it) →  Upload the file into the newly created folder

Problem: The folder is actually correctly created with the correct submitter’s ID (email in this case)

The problem here happens on the last zap (Upload the file into the newly created folder) Since I need to upload a file within that newly created folder, thus I need to find it based on the last submission which I do with the custom option. But for some reason I get a “The app returned "File not found:”” error prompt. As is the strings being looked up didn’t match despite being both strings (the folder’s and submitter’s) being identical, since they come from the same source (paperform).

FOR 1)




FOR 2)



Userlevel 7
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The Folder field needs the ID of the GDrive Folder, not the Title variable.


@Troy Tessalone


Actually I sent a wrong screenshot, my intended acton was setting the folder (with the same name / email as ID) but sourced by paperform… But it’s the same idea…

My question to your answer would be… How do I make it dynamic then?? the uploaded files need to each contain their own folder based on the submitter’s name.

Userlevel 7
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Help article about using dynamic values in dropdown lists:
