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Copy all out-going Gmail messages to a certain account

  • 10 August 2020
  • 1 reply

Our company has a corporate gsuite Gmail account “office@…” we require a copy of all outgoing message from the sales people accounts (mike@, john@, etc...) to be forwarded to the corporate account. I cannot find a trigger (which would be pressing the “send” button) to do this.

BTW, Gmail does not allow forwarding outgoing messages by means of a filter… only incoming messages.


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @msm!

It sounds like you could use either one of these triggers, with the SENT label/mailbox in Gmail:

You’d want to create one Zap per salesperson, then send an email to office@ with the subject and body of the email that triggered the Zap. Can you give that a try to see if you’re able to get that working?