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So, probably I have designed my Workflow in an impossible way, so maybe someone has an idea there, but maybe it’s also possible to somehow accomplish what’s written in the title.


Situation is as follows: I have a CRM with records that contain relationships to 1 or 2 other records. Currently I read out the IDs of these related records and store them in a GSheet say in column B and C. I then want to look up details of these related records and automate document generation with Docupilot. The problem is: Column C is sometimes empty (no related record) and sometimes not. The Zap tries to look up the related record, and in case the column is empty, Errors and Stops. How can I accomplish what I want. Sorry, I seem to have a conceptual blockade.


Thanks for your tips! 🙏🏻

Zapier has added this field to Find/Search/Lookup steps that may be of use.


@Troy Tessalone the problem is, a subsequent Action will take the output of the GSheet action and lookup a record in Copper CRM. So yes, I can continue the Zap even though the GSheet action doesn’t find anything, but since I cannot split the Zap (into two paths), it will always run into an error at the Copper CRM action step if there is nothing in the GSheet previously.

I had to split this up into two Zaps that are identical apart from this difference and are triggered slightly differently. Seems not very elegant, but it works. Thanks.

Thanks @Troy Tessalone ...i saw this but am not sure how this helps: The problem is Zapier’s lack of conditional logic, I could work with Paths but I’m trying to achieve this with a Personal Subscription so I don’t have Paths here. I’m not sure this helps. If there is a record referenced in Column C, I want to look it up and then pass this in addition to the record data looked up via Column B to Docupilot. I don’t see how I can play the lookup Step conditionally on whether there is something in Column C. The lookup record in Copper CRM halts the execution of the Zap if there is no record ID found in Column C, if I am not mistaken (cant test it right now).

The Zap field “Should This Step Be Considered A "success" When Nothing Is Found?” if set to TRUE would allow the Zap to continue if there is NO record found.

So logic wise you’d have 2 find/search/lookup steps in the Zap, with settings to continue regardless of whether a record is found or not.

Then map the data points from each step accordingly in the following Zap steps.


Otherwise, have you tried using Zap Filters?

Might have to create multiple similar Zaps to handle the different use cases.