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Connecting Instagram to Webflow


I’m trying to connect my Instagram business to web flow and I’m having difficulty.

To grab images from Instagram what option to a pick for item and image out of the list that’s given.
I’ve tried so many combinations of media and image options and none of them are working.


Hi @cdantico ,

Thanks for reaching out- sorry you are running into this issue!

I see you are working with Ryan in Support on this- it looks like he sent you a message yesterday with some information about the error we were receiving on our end. 

Let us know if you are having any trouble receiving their emails or if you have any additional questions. Happy to help!

Hi @cdantico !

Checking back in as I see Ryan in Support suggested trying to use an alternate sample, where the name within the “Name” field is a bit shorter as Webflow currently only accepts a maximum of 256 characters.

Let us know if this did the trick or if you are still running into any issues here! Happy to dig deeper!