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I have a zap that takes data from my CRM and then I puts that data into a spreadsheet that is copied from a master file into a folder ok. Google drive under the customers first then last name.

workflow so far looks like this:

New client created in crm →

Google drive create file “first” “last” →

Copy Master file into new folder created above →

new form associated with master file copy also moved to customer folder created on step two.


here is my problem… I need a way to have a zap that monitors when each new copied form is filled out as an instigator for a whole new zap process. but I don’t know how to do that BECAUSE I can’t use one form as a basis for the new process. It has to be each form that is created respectively. Does that make sense?

im praying someone out there can help me work around this.

Hi @BrandoCommando 


If I understand correctly, each sheet you copy has a Form Response sheet (which is the different forms you are referring to) ? 


Technically speaking, you cannot monitor ALL sheets / forms in one zap, but there is always a workaround ;) 


First, how is the form being “saved” to the Client folder? I believe this is a manual step that you are doing since there is no way to send a form from Zapier? That being said, why not have one form in your (lets say) Master Data sheet, with a part in the form Prefilled with the Client Sheet ID (I believe we can also hide it). Which means you would send the client a link to their form instead, then using Zapier you can lookup the form response and identify which client it belongs to (since the data is already there in the prefilled hidden field) then send the response to their google sheet as well ? 


It might be a bit complicated but I believe its doable. 

Hi @BrandoCommando!

Let’s see if we can figure this out :) 

You said that a new form is created, could I ask what type of form? Is it a Google Sheet that you’re using as a form, Google Forms, or another app? 

Depending on what it is, if you get an email notification when the form is filled out you can use that to trigger a Zap. If you don’t get any kind of notification, let us know what kind of form it is and we can see if there’s another way. 
