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Checkbox from Woocommerce to Salesforce

  • 4 November 2020
  • 4 replies

New zapper here :wave_tone1::slight_smile:

I’m creating new leads in Salesforce from Woocommerce orders. During Woo checkout we have one checkbox to agree to terms and another to opt in to the newsletter. I have checkboxes set up in Salesforce. When I’m mapping the fields from Woo to SF, I don’t get an option for those two checkboxes. Help please!


Search for a value of TRUE/FALSE, 1/0, YES/NO.

Also the field name might be something cryptic.

Check by selecting a different example to use to configure your Zap.

When in doubt, scroll thru all the returned fields to be sure you didn’t miss it.

Help article:

Hey @premierequestrian - Just checking in - Were you able to solve this? 

As well as searching for the values, you can actually search for the questions themselves in the search box 


Hi @premierequestrian

It’s been a while but we wanted to check back on this issue. I’m afraid we have not heard back from you so we were wondering if you still needing assistance with this issue? Looks like there’s a great conversation going on with our Experts, who have asked you for more clarification.

Please let us know how we may help!

Hi @steph.n, I have received suggestions for this that I need to look into further. It sounds like I need to ask Woocommerce if those fields are accessible, or I might have to look into a plugin for a checkbox. Thanks for checking in!