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Birthday/Anniversary - Data to outlook email

  • 5 December 2022
  • 1 reply

I’m looking for a way to create a birthday/anniversary email automation. 

I regularly download a new CSV file with all my clients (includes date of purchase, name etc) to my computer (and on dropbox). 

I would like to create an automation that an outlook email is sent to each guest exactly 1 year after their purchase day.

How do i go about this? 

Hi @Emils!

I can think of a way to do this, but it involves using Google Calendar as the Zapier Outlook integration doesn’t have the option to search for events. Another caveat is that this solution will only work if the csv file is less than 1500K (around 1000 rows).

The basic idea here is that you will use the CSV to create calendar events. Those calendar events are then the trigger of another Zap that will send the anniversary email. That’s two separate Zaps: one to create the events and one to send the emails. 


 The outline of the Zap that creates the events looks like this:


When the csv is uploaded to Dropbox, it triggers the Zap. Formatter by Zapier has a function that imports csv files, so that’s the second step. The Formatter step converts the csv into line-items. You can then use Looping by Zapier to run the Google Calendar step for every line item (each row of the csv). The Google Calendar event will search for an existing event for that client/purchase (so you don’t end up with duplicates) and will create a new event if one doesn’t already exist. 


The second Zap is simpler: 

  1. Google Calendar - Event Start (set this up so that it will trigger for all of your ‘anniversary’ events)
  2. Outlook - Send email


Both of those Zaps together will create a system that automatically sends your clients an email on the anniversary of their purchase.


I know that’s quite a lot of information, so please let us know if you have any questions!