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Automatically Changing Excel sheet date layout

  • 18 November 2022
  • 1 reply


I’m looking for an automation to format one excel file to another excel layout.

Here is what I envision:

  • Excel file saved to OneDrive folder as the trigger
  • Then that file’s data is mapped to a new excel file layout as the action and saved in different OneDrive folder

Basically, Excel file with columns 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 automatically converted to an excel file with column 3 to column 1, column 2 to column 3, column 4 to column 7, etc.

I have Zaps that trigger on different events adding rows to existing excel spreadsheets, but this is more of a mass, One sheet layout to Another layout.

Thanks for any suggestions!!


Hi @Scott3294, hope you’re doing well!


While you could create a Zap that triggers from an excel file saved onto a Onedrive folder, the issue here is that the Zap won’t be able to read the actual contents of the excel file and perform an action based on said contents.


Given the case, I suggest creating a Zap with the following steps:

  • Trigger: Microsoft Excel New Row
  • Action: Microsoft Excel Create Spreadsheet

The idea is that you have a master excel sheet wherein you can paste the data. This sheet is linked to a Zap that triggers and creates a a new excel spreadsheet for each row entered on the master sheet.

I hope that helps give a better idea of what’s possible with the Zapier Microsoft Excel integration as well as how to proceed.