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I’d like to create integrations from iCal appts to push to a Google Spreadsheet for a salesperson. No, I do not want to use Google Calendar, but Apple iCal. I’d like 1.) each new calendar appt address to be pushed to an existing Sheet cell. 2.) Calculate the miles once that address is in the cell. 3.) Push installation dates from iCal appt notes area to another cell in the sheet. 4.) Push commissions on the sheet back to that appt’s notes or title. I have searched and see NOTHING for iCal integrations in Zapier. Am I missing something? I’ve already got a system in place so we cannot switch calendars nor does the salesperson like Google’s Calendar so that is not an option. Is there anything else helpful for commission sales to track and sync addresses, sales, calendars, mileage, commissions, that is free? It is frustrating because I get a phone call and then have to manually enter this info and need a slicker system. Thanks

Hey friends! I wanted to swing by and mention Troy nailed this.

I also wanted to add I added a vote for an Apple iCalendar integration to our internal app wishlist! We'll be sure to let this thread know if and when this app is added to Zapier.

In the meantime, if you're curious, here's a bit more on how new services typically get added to Zapier:

Thanks again, ya’ll! 

@ColdToday Apple is well known for being locked down with access to its ecosystem of products/services.

This was what I was concerned with. Thanks for confirming that iCal is the weak link in this equation. Bummer.

Hi @ColdToday 

The available Zap app integrations can be found here:

Integrations for Apple products are not currently available with no timetable on when they will be.