
404 Error - Google Calendar Delete Event when Cancelled

  • 21 October 2020
  • 11 replies

Userlevel 1

I am trying to use Zaps to automate copying and deleting events from one calendar to another. I can get the events to copy when created just fine. However, I am getting 404 errors in my “Delete when cancelled” Zap. 

I am using “event summary” as the targeted field, and I can confirm the information is in my calendar (As I can see it), but for some reason Zap cannot.


The theoretical workflow:


Delete (EVENT A) on CAL B


Zapier is pulling EVENT A, but cannot seem to correlated it on CAL B. I have tried Start and End times as well with no success, and have confirmed the calendars are correctly targeted.


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11 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

I tested this flow with “Event Summary” and also got a 404 error, but it appears to have deleted the event in Calendar B anyway. Is the event in Calendar B being deleted for you, or is it still there when you test? 

Userlevel 1

It is not deleting the event as intended, so it remains on CAL B.

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Okay, I see the issue on my side as well now. I got it to work by adding an extra “Find Event” Action as Step 2, then grabbed the Event ID for the “Delete Event” Action as Step 3. So overall the flow is: 

  1. Trigger - Event Deleted in Calendar A
  2. Action - Find Event in Calendar B by the Event Summary
  3. Action - Delete Event in Calendar B using the Event ID from Step 2
Userlevel 1

Can that solution be limited to the specific time if I have multiples of the same event summary?


For example:


1PM: Appointment

2PM: Appointment

3PM: Appointment

It looks like the default is “return the earliest matching event”. Can we make it specify? I’ll mess with the start/end times to see if those help. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Yes, you can use the Start Time and End Time criteria in the Find Event Action! 

Userlevel 1

That works when I “Test” it, but is still failing when I tried in Google Calendar. :expressionless:

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Are you still getting a 404 error? 

Userlevel 1

No errors, it just doesn’t do anything.

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Mine took a few minutes to update on my plan - the update time is 15 minutes. What’s in the Task History for the Zap? 

Userlevel 1

It last ran at 2:45PM EDT. I set up two “Appointments on the feeder calendar”, which both correctly populated. I then deleted one of them on the feed calendar (which should have triggered the delete), and waited 15-20 minutes for it to delete, but it did not. 


There are two “Halted” instances of the Zap, both of which failed in the second step as “Nothing could be found for the search”.  It looks like it is searching for a static EventID as each of these 4 instances references the same EventID……...


This is frustrating. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Can you share screenshots of your setup for each of the steps?