Hi all, building an app on the Zapier Platform to integrate with Freshbooks since the native Freshbooks app doesn’t have the functionality I need.
I need the line item section to be formatted like so:
"lines": [
"name": "Test Item",
"qty": "1",
"unit_cost": {
"amount": "27.00"
As seen here
However, when I test things in the Developer Platform under Test your API Request I get the following:
"lines": [
"{ 'name': 'Test Item'",
"'qty': '1'",
"'unit_cost': { 'amount': '27.00' } }"
This is my current API Request configuration for those line items:
'lines': [bundle.inputData.lines]
what function or formula do I need to put around the bundle.inputData.lines to prevent Zapier from separating it and adding quotes/commas?
When I submit this in the testing section I get the following error:
Required field "Name" (name) is missing. Required field "Quantity" (qty) is missing. Required field "Cost" (unit_cost__amount) is missing.
Which indicates that the name, qty, and unit_cost fields are not being recognized as fields due to the quotes Zapier adds.
When I test it in a Zap I get the following error:
The app returned "Expected a nested dictionary".
Any Ideas?