We Launched an Embed Gallery!

  • 28 March 2024
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Hey Zapier developers,


We just launched a gallery showcasing your implementations of our embed products!

One of the most common questions we get around our partner solutions is: “Do you have any examples of how other partners have used them?” We took this feedback and built out a diverse Partner Embed Gallery, showcasing examples of each embed tool to help prospective Zapier embedders better understand what embedding is and what value it provides. 

Here is the link to the embed gallery! You can filter by type of embed and click into each embed to view details, testimonials, and best practices. 

Whether you want to embed zap templates into your product, or want a more native feeling experience with our partner API, our embed solutions encompass a wide range of use cases to bring Zapier functionality into your product and showcase your integration. Be sure to view the gallery for some inspiration on how other partners have dont it. Have fun exploring! 


Want to get featured in the gallery? Fill out this form!


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