Okay, I get it. Zapier doesn’t want to give us a defacto API Request app. Fine. So we’re using a webhook of which only basic auth is available as an option. Sure. No Bearer Tokens there got it. We can just hard code the bearer token into the header. Sure. ...except it’s not working because Zapier pops a 500 server error if I don’t put quotes around bearer and the token. Except that when I DO put the quotes in, the API I’m connecting to doesn’t expect them and throws a 401 error. I can cURL this whole thing just fine. But what am I to do about the literals?
Zapier only works with this:
Authorization: “Bearer AToken]”
API doesn’t auth
My API Needs this:
Authorization: Bearer :Token]
But Zapier has a hissy fit over the space between Bearer and Token
Ugh. What do I do here?