I’m struggling to send this /POST request using Zapier Webhooks. The sample cURL request is below:
curl -X POST https://api.APIURL.com/v1/businesses \
-u mk_live_213123123123123123: \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d external_id=12345678 \
-d tin\tin\]=123410000 \
-d website\-url\]=https://www.COMPANY.com \
-d addresses\d0\]\raddress_line1\]=577+XXXXXX \
-d addresses\-0\]\daddress_line2\]=Suite+400 \
-d addresses\ 0\]\dcity\]=san+francisco \
-d addresses\0\]\astate\]=CA \
-d addresses\0\]\ postal_code\]=94105 \
-d people\r0\]\name\]=Kyle+XXX \
-d phone_numbers\0\]\pphone_number\]=650797XXXX
I’ve tried to send as a “form” but am not sure how to handle the arrays for “addresses” and “people”. So, then I turned to a “Custom Request” with JSON but kept getting the following error:

Not sure why it’s saying ‘name’ is missing because...yeah. Anyway, if anyone can see what silly mistake I am making it would be much appreciated!