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Search for person in pipedrive

  • 23 March 2021
  • 6 replies


I’m using a webhook to pull date from an app which will add a deal in pipedrive.

It is a multi-step zap as the data needs to be inserted into deal.


When I use a ‘search person’ step, it asks for a required field called ‘Term’ - what does this mean and what am I expected to add here?

Hi @PGinDM - “Term” is where you enter how you would want to find the person record — the Field To Search By. If anything is selected in “Field To Search By”, the “Term” field should change to whatever is selected in “Field To Search By”. 



Hi @PGinDM 

Try searching by the Pipedrive Person’s Name as indicated below in the screenshot.



To attach the person to the deal, use the person ID from the “Find Person” step.

See screenshot

Hi Troy,

Thank you. Appreciate it.

Now that I have found the ‘person’ in pipedrive, How do I make sure that the same person is connected to deal?


You’ll need to map the Pipedrive Person ID from the Find Person step to the Pipedrive Deal step using the ‘Custom’ mapping option.

Check out this help article:

Awesome. It works!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 😊 
