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Hi All - trying to use Retrive Poll trigger to get updated records from API that limits HTTP requests to 25 results per page. This is easily managed using the Query String Params in Webhooks GET, but I can’t seem to figure this out.


Seconding @Zane here - this might be better done with a custom integration rather than webhooks.

I wrote this get started guide for Zapier’s developer platform, and you can get in touch if you want further help.

What API are you using?

Hi @RyanLeeAV 

Just checking in, did you manage to get this sorted?

Hi @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu sort of… what I managed to do for the moment was simply to create a zap-per-page. It’s not elegant but seems to do the trick… the issue I foresee eventually I’ll have to update and add additional zaps for new pages.


@Troy Tessalone sorry -

It’s a proposal writing tool for the audio/video industry. Trying to pull data for reporting purposes.

It sounds like you might be using the Webhooks by Zapier built-in app to do this?  Have you considered building a custom Zapier integration instead?  You’d then have ability to script more advanced handling of that endpoint, say, make requests for the first two pages of data in parallel.