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I am trying to email resumes to a mailbox (Gmail) and create a ZAP to read the attachment (resume as-is) and append the entire resume content to a Google Doc. I am trying this as a pilot for now, to later pass the resume content in string format to an API.

I am using WebHooks (GET) which creates a URL string (which downloads the file when copied in browser. When i try to write the attachment content, it keeps writing the URL and not the actual contents of the file (in this case, resume).


Please help. Thanks, in advance



Thanks, @Troy Tessalone 


Check out the apps in the Documents category:




Hi @Troy Tessalone 


Ah Okay.

Is there any app available that can parse any document format and return the content as a string/ text?



PDF probably won’t work with this approach, and you may need to use a different app to parse a PDF.

For Word Doc, you’d likely need to upload that file to GDrive first and have GDrive convert the Word Doc to a GDoc before getting the contents.

In this case, it is PDF. 

It could be either PDF or word document.


Attaching the Step 2 screen shot.


What type of file is being processed? (e.g. PDF, etc.)

We would need to see screenshots with how Step 2 is configured.


Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thanks for your response. I appreciate it.

Sharing the screen shots.


Hi @Prasanna 

Good question.

We would need to see screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.