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Multiple possible tax rate ids have been found.

  • 15 March 2021
  • 5 replies



Im working on moneybird to create a Sales invoice in Moneybird, But if i fill in all the information an error with this information is be shown. 

'’Multiple possible tax rate ids have been found.'’

I dont know what to change in the filled in information? So if anybody knows how to solve the problem, let me know. 


Kind regards, 



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5 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hey @unieke uitjes, hope you’re well!

For this particular issue you’ll want to parse out the lines into individual items instead of returning them as an array in your code. This should allow you to select individual items in the dropdown in the following steps.

You can also use a Formatter - Utilities - Line Item to Text action to convert a specific items array into text. The Line Item to Text action is able to return each item in the array as an individually selectable item similar to our Split Text action:

Thank you for your answer, but if you look at the screenshot. I can't change the comma in the lines. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @unieke uitjes 

Based on your screenshot it appears that you are mapping line items (array) into this field, but it expects a single value (not comma separated).

Same for a few other fields, which may result in errors as well.



Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @unieke uitjes 

Please provide screenshots of how your Zap step is configured, thanks.