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LeadConnector error: Raw request failed. Problem executing your request. Invalid JWT


its a action application in zapier i have used xero as an action app which is fetching new quotes from an organization and making it an object for each order i want to use api request(beta) inside lead connector to post that directly to my crm that creates an opportunity.   

33 replies


i have used this url for endpoint


and for header autorization :   bearer   i have got the api key from my crm highlevel.

about version i dont know got that information from here

so please help me why its showing that invalid JWT issue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Talha1122 

For us to have more context, posts screenshots with how the Zap step is configured in EDIT mode for the ‘Action’ tab section.



Hi @Talha1122 

For us to have more context, posts screenshots with how the Zap step is configured in EDIT mode for the ‘Action’ tab section.




here are the screenshot 



#2 action in lead connector



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You likely need to add info to the Body for the API request based on the API endpoint documentation you reference to configure the Zap step.



its still the same gives this error 

Failed to create a http request in LeadConnector

Raw request failed. Problem executing your request: Invalid JWT

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


For us to have current context, post updated screenshots with how your Zap step is now configured.

Error indicates your JWT (JSON web token) is invalid.

Also, link to the app API endpoint documentation you used to configure the Zap step.


gives me this error   

Failed to create a http request in LeadConnector

Raw request failed. Problem executing your request: Invalid JWT



how do i fix it?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


For us to have current context about the error, post updated screenshots with how your Zap step is now configured.

Also, link to the app API endpoint documentation you used to configure the Zap step.



api endpoint used.    /opportunities/

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The mapped variables in the Body are invalid as indicated by the ( ! ).

You would need to select those fro a previous Zap step.

Help article about configuring Zap action steps:

Reference about custom pill mapping:


Userlevel 7
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This is the API endpoint link, but it is not the link to the API endpoint documentation that shows the requirements for the API endpoint request, such as method, headers, parameters, etc.


api endpoint used.    /opportunities/


here is the link

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Try removing the Authorization header as it is already included per the section indicator.



Failed to create a http request in LeadConnector

Raw request failed. Problem executing your request: version header was not found.

got this issue when i removed all headers and when i used that 2021-07-28 it says not a valid header

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The feedback was to only remove the Authorization header.

Try removing the Authorization header as it is already included per the section indicator.


API docs indicate 2 Headers are required.

Zapier should automatically include the Authorization Header as indicated.

You would need to configure the Version Header.


NOTE: For us to have current context, you will need to post updated screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode, along with encountered errors.




Failed to create a http request in LeadConnector

Raw request failed. Problem executing your request: 2021-07-28 is not a legal HTTP header value

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Including this note:

NOTE: For us to have current context, you will need to post updated screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode, along with encountered errors.



Userlevel 7
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If you need help, consider hiring a Certified Zapier Expert from the directory:


Looks like you have a line break after your Version value (2021-07-28), which should be removed.


This is not a valid Body structure as defined by the API endpoint docs:


"pipelineId": "VDm7RPYC2GLUvdpKmBfC",
"locationId": "ve9EPM428h8vShlRW1KT",
"name": "First Opps",
"pipelineStageId": "7915dedc-8f18-44d5-8bc3-77c04e994a10",
"status": "open",
"contactId": "mTkSCb1UBjb5tk4OvB69",
"monetaryValue": 220,
"assignedTo": "082goXVW3lIExEQPOnd3",
"customFields": [
"id": "6dvNaf7VhkQ9snc5vnjJ",
"key": "my_custom_field",
"field_value": "9039160788"



@Troy Tessalone I have been dealing with this same exact issue. The problem is, Zapier can’t automatically provide the authentication Header as that token expires / changes every 24 hours. I assume Zapier is just providing the API key in that header which is conflicting with the Oauth Acess Token that the API call is actually looking for. Is there a way to turn off the automatic authentication header in Zapier?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Is there a way to turn off the automatic authentication header in Zapier?

You would have to use a custom API request via:

Hi @Troy Tessalone, to piggy back off of @TitanWashing’s response -- the action should be dynamically taking the latest authentication header from the account that is connected to the zap, but it seems like it’s not, so an expired auth token (if any at all) is being passed to the endpoint which is causing the failure.


I can replicate the issue. Is there a formal process to have a ticket submitted for zapier to look at this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Tickets can be opened with Zapier Support:

It would be a nice feature to be able to turn off the auto auth-header (per zap of course) and be able to just grab our latest token from our table where it’s stored and updated daily. The issue comes in when the 2 headers are conflicting with each other. 
