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I’m hoping someone might be able to help me here! I’ve created a chatbot interface. When embedding the code for this interface on my website (embed code provided by zapier), it is populating a form in the footer of my home page, as opposed to a chatbot style format. Does anyone, by chance, know how I can adjust the embed code to make this form appear as a “customer support chatbot pop up” that populates in the bottom right corner of my website, as opposed to a form? 


Screenshot of how it currently appears on my website:


Example of the format I would like it to appear as, on our website:


Embed code provided by zapier: 

<script type='module' src=''></script>
<zapier-interfaces-page-embed page-id='clhjlxi020003l10pdzxrnpqt' no-background='false' style='max-width: 900px; height: 500px;'></zapier-interfaces-page-embed>


URL to interface provided by zapier:


Thank you in advance for anyone able to provide assistance!!


Hi @Beau 

Good question.

Have you tried asking in the Zapier Early Access Slack?



Anyone got news on this? Couldn’t find how to embed into a chat pop-up either, would really love someone to help!