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integrarate my contact form 7 data with CRM(4QT crm )via api

  • 29 September 2022
  • 1 reply

I am trying to send data from my wordpress website form(contact form 7) with the crm.

So far i have integrated contact form 7 with zapier using catch hook in webhooks and is tested successfully.

I have an api form the crm side.i am trying to integrate this api with the contact form 7. The test shows the connection is successful. but the data  is not properly getting on the crm.

Need help with this.

Attaching screenshots for reference



Hi @nazly 

Good question.

The Webhook step is not confiigured correctly.

The URL should be everything before and not include the “?”.

The each Of the query string parameter pairs should be in the Query String Params section.

For example with UID=fourqt, UID would be on the left, and fourqt would be on the right.

For phone, email, name, those will each need to in their own pair as well.

Best if you can link to the CRM API documentation you are referencing.