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I want to replace the string values into an array and send to the webhook.


That's what I'm doing:

1 step. I get a string with values separated by commas


2 step. I use “Code by Zapier” for split by “, ” and creating an array

And this is work!


3 step. Send this Array to Webhook


As a result, this is what I get

"like2": "Variant 5,\nVariant 4,\nVariant 3"


But I need to get it in a different form, with this

"like2": /"Variant 5", "Variant 4", "Variant 3"]
  1. I want array only from value
  2. I also want to delete the "\n"

Please help me how to do this?

Hi @Paul87 

Try this…



POST Webhook


Webhook Trigger


Can not understand.
If in the last step I send a webhook and specify two parameters. The first is what should be an array after processing ”Code by Zapier”. The second is the string data.


Why are exactly the same parameters sent in fact?




Hi @Paul87 

You need to remove the line breaks (\n) in the Code step.


Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thanks! It works, but… 

This is what i get

Zapier adds quotes around array when trying to send this in webhoock. As a result, not a true data array is transmitted, but just text :(


It’s unclear where you are getting that recent screenshot from.

If you use a POST Webhook and set a data point to the array as shown, it will work.