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How do I remove duplicate values from an array in Python?

  • 12 August 2023
  • 7 replies

I have an array of values that looks like this: 

F11.20,Z51.81, 80307 99213 , F32.9,F90.0,F43.12, F11.20, F32.9,F41.1,F90.0


I want to remove the duplicate values; so I found this help article on the Community site:


The directions seem easy enough to follow; here is my action:



My result is this: 



Help !!!! Please

And thanks



Thanks!  let me see what I can do with those!




To get the count.

Count = Set.length;


To join with commas.




Is there a way to identify the number of “Distinct” values that were outputted? in the example below there were 6 values.

Once I identify the unique values (as we have done), I would like to put those values back together as a string and with each value separated by a comma

the answer is YES

Another question, please.


in the 1st line of code you are splitting by a comma as seen here:


let Set = inputData.Set.split(","); // creates array by splitting Input Data variable at commas


Can you split by a space or “ “?



you are the best!!

thank you!



Hi @blueguy 

Good question.

You need to remove the bottom ‘output’ line since that’s a duplicate.

