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I post a form containing some information to an api which then returns a file that Zapier shows in hyrdrated format. I need to dehyrdate the file and read its contents. I can use either js or python for this. Does anybody have an example to follow or advice?

Hi @wolnickd!

Since this was a little while ago, I wanted to check in to see if you’d managed to solve this (maybe with help from Rob’s response) or whether you still needed help here. Please let us know!

Hi @wolnickd,

Zapier can only read CSV files natively and using Python/Javascript step, I think, you can read TXT file as well. As of now, Zapier only supports a handful of Python libraries, so it is unlikely that you can parse other file formats there.

However, you can read file content using Docparser integration or any other 3rd party parsing tool, here’s the Docparser integration page:

Just bringing to your attention that, you can map the hydrated file to any field that accepts a file, no need to dehydrate that yourself.

Here’s a documentation of Zapier hydration and dehydration process: