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Hi.. I’d like to take subs from my Elementor front end and have a lead created/updated in Intercom with Intercom’s internal messaging subscription for the lead set to “Newsletter” an opt-in subscription.

I’m currently using Zapier webhooks to get the submission from the website > looking up the lead ID > creating one if there isn’t one > and then adding a tag to the existing/new ID.

I’d much prefer the last step to be “set the subscription to Newsletter”, but I can’t seem to identify how to do that with the options available to me when creating / updating a lead.

Can anyone help? Thanks.

Is “Unsubscribed from Emails” not just a true/false to unsubscribe from all emails or not?

SO, for clarity, if I want the lead to be subscribed to any subscription, let’s say an opt-in called Newsletter, I can specify it here?


It is not just a generic on or off for all, leads will not be subscribed to all possible subscriptions.

Hi @HHcolcas!

When you say that you’d like to set a subscription to a Newsletter, is that a specific newsletter or do you want to set whether or not the lead is subscribed to your emails?

If it’s the second, you can set that as part of the Create/update lead step:


Would that do what you need it to, or is it a different newsletter?