Extracting entire/full payload data from a trigger
I couldn’t find any way of logging/forwarding the entire payload data from a trigger event.
I want to log and forward the whole payload to another system, and not specify each key. Zapier only allows me to specify each key one by one, I tried using a Code block, but I met the same issue.
Is there really no way to do something as basic as that, or did I miss something obvious?
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Glad you solved your immediate challenge! I like Zapier a lot for what it does well - which is a lot. One way to get the whole payload into a variable is to pass it into a webhook that fires another zap (or another workflow like PD or n8n or whatever) so you get the whole payload. Then that second workflow has that whole payload to work with as a starting point.
Although, if you know of a way to store the whole payload into a variable, that’d be even better. (instead of using the Webhooks action”)
I found how to work around my need of passing custom data, using headers.
Thanks for your help, that was super helpful. (i’m working on having those triggers ported to Pipedream/n8n, but meanwhile that’ll do)
I wish I could use Pipedream indeed, but the trigger I’m using is only available on Zapier, and nowhere else.
That’s why I’m trying to build this with Zapier.
Here’s how to get the custom request - it’s an alternative to the PUT or POST:
All that said, there may be a bigger issue here. If you want to make changes you’ll find yourself needing to own more of the process. It’s not clear to me that you’re using the “Zapier”-ish features that much. At that point, are you really looking for a Zap? Would pipedream or something that gives you easier access to lower-level controls be a better fit for this individual use case?
Awesome, I did try this but with PUT (instead of POST), but the behavior was different and wasn’t forwarding the whole thing.
Is there a way to enhance the payload anyhow? I would need to specify, at the very least, the type of operation being executed (create|update|delete)
Also, I couldn’t find any “Custom Request” action, I’m not sure what’s meant by that.
Hi @Ambroise Dhenain
Good question.
Try this Zap action: Webhooks - POST
Leave the Data section empty. (see the description)