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Adding list item into json mutation

  • 2 February 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi Community!

I’ve been dealing with a automation for a few days now, without any luck…

I want Zapier to import data from an app, to Zapier one day each month.
Then I want Zapier to delete all rows in a certain table in my app.

As i understand, I’ll have to use the pre-made json script, fra my app, to complete this task.

The problem is that the standard script provided by my app, only allow Zapier to delete one row at a time, because it only contain one mutation.

I want to duplicate the mutation, based on the current amount of rows in the table.
Each mutation need to contain the row ID, I imported from my app when the automation was triggered.

Can anyone help me out?
Please check attached pictures, for more info:



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2 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thank you for your comment!

This was the solution!

Thanks again!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @LFV_Developer 

Good question.

Perhaps try using the Looping app to handle 1+ line items: