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Pulling "label" through from SafetyCulture into Asana

SafetyCulture has a feature now called Labels, where you can assign tags to individual actions in order to see items with common themes. 


This information is included in a CSV export from SC’s own website, but isn’t (along with many other things) included in the information pulled through to Zapier. I’m trying to work out whether this is an issue at SC or Zapier’s end, but as the user I don’t know why information available for export via one method isn’t available via the other. 


Does anyone know if I am enquiring about a bug, or a feature request?



Hi @AntMit 

Good question.

Often an app’s new API endpoints are not immediately available as part of their Zap app integration.

Check out this related topic:


That makes sense, thanks. 

I guess the question remains thought of who is responsible for this? Is it Zapier not requesting access to that endpoint and therefore not accepting it even if SC is transmitting it, or SC’s for not allowing the endpoint to be transmitted?

Is there a way to find this out?


Did you review this related topic?



most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves




Apologies, I read some but not all of it. 

So it would appear that Zapier are the people I need to go to in order to get this endpoint included?

I ask because I had a similar conversation with both SC and Zapier a few months ago, and the answer given by them was more along the lines of that it was a SC issue, but I managed to find a workaround using a lookup table so the issue was resolved. 




Q: So it would appear that Zapier are the people I need to go to in order to get this endpoint included?

A: No, SC most likely maintains their Zap app integration, so SC would need to make updates/fixes.


most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves