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Zapier-owned Zap App Integrations


There are ~300+ Zapier-owned Zap app integrations.

This includes the ~30 native Zap app integrations:

These are usually the most common/popular and critical Zap app integrations.

That is about 5% of the 5,000+ public Zap apps in the Zapier App Directory:

Yes, there are private Zap apps and invite-only Zap apps.

However, there is no public list available that lists these Zapier-owned Zap app integrations.

You can submit a ticket with Zapier Support to request this resource be made available for reference:


While most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves on the Zapier Developer Platform, Zapier keeps an internal list of app requests.

This is a common misconception.

If there is a bug, feedback, or feature requests related to a Zap app integration, those can be submitted via a ticket to Zapier Support to be logged:

But, more often than not, the responsibility will fall on the app developer to update/upgrade their Zap app integration.

That means it can be more beneficial to submit requests to the app developer directly, rather than Zapier.



Q: What is a Zapier-owned Zap app integration?

A: That means Zapier maintains the Zap app integration instead of the app developer. so Zapier would be in charge of fixes and improvements.
