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I had my zap set up to alert me by text message when I had an appt coming up so it was linked to my calendar, all of a sudden it just suddenly stopped working, I spent countless hours as a novice setting this up and it was very frustrating for someone who is not techy, so please help me understand and tell me how I can fix it, please help, thank you so much!!

Hi @sthomas 

Things to check:

  1. Is the Zap turned ON?
  2. Check your app connections:
  3. Do you have a valid Zapier plan for the Zap to be turned ON?


For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Yes zap is on

I have valid plan


Did you check your app connections in Zapier?



For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.



Check your Zap Runs history for activity:


Did you check your app connections in Zapier?

Check/fix here:




I tried to add wharsapp but now not sure how to redo the entire zap


I just want it to send me a reminder that an appt is coming up


Error indicates T-Mobile Phone #s are not supported.

Help link:


You can use WhatsApp Notifications by following the help article:


I connected them but not sure if the correct calendar is connected, hahaha, trying to figure that out, I did some test zaps and def coming through to the WhatsApp app so that is all good but those tests were done from the computer, not from the actual calendar, so I’m trying to figure out the calendar section now, but thanks so much for your help!! glad I got the two apps connected and zap is technically working, just a matter of keep pushing buttons, hahahah

so I got the correct calendar and the zap is working,


Just curious, I seem to have too many fields being zapped,


can you tell me which exact fields need to be zapped and how to delete some of the fields being zapped that are not needed?