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New Zapier Experts Directory Is Live!

Categories:ResourcesZapier Experts
New Zapier Experts Directory Is Live!

Hey everyone! I’m @greg.kelly , I work on the Partnerships team at Zapier and am responsible for the Zapier Experts program. For those of you who do not know, Zapier Experts are certified consultants, freelancers and agencies that can help you do more with automation. 

Zapier Experts help users with:

  • Setting up Zapier

  • Complex workflow setup

  • Building new integrations

  • Lead management

  • E-commerce implementation

  • Marketing strategy

Good news! This past week, we launched a new directory to make it easier for you to find the right Expert to help your business. Additionally, you can now leave a review after you work with one of our Experts to help other users find the right fit as well. 



Lastly, if you’d like my help in choosing the right Expert for your business, feel free to use the Matchmaker option and I’ll personally help your team. 


If you have any questions please let me know in the comments below! So excited to help each of you do more with Zapier and automation.

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Excited to be part of this program!


Wow! The new directory looks GREAT!! :clap_tone3:


@greg.kelly I see the Experts Program is not open to applications to become and Expert - I haven’t seen any updates on this program in the forums since 8 - 10 months ago. Are there any updates? I’m patiently waiting to become an expert! In the meantime I’m working on Zapier education. Is there anything else I can do? 


Thanks and all the best,



Hi @torimitchellco !


Thanks for reaching out - so excited to hear your team would like to join our Zapier Experts program. We are not currently onboarding new applicants but are hoping you can leave your interest here so we can be in touch in mid-2021 when things re-open. In the meantime, I highly recommend taking all of our Zapier University courses to ensure you're set up for success when the new Zapier Experts certification is live.


Have a great day!


Thanks @greg.kelly. Looking forward to the re-open!




@greg.kelly I tried to go to the Zapier University 101 course and I’m seeing that I can only preview the courses, even when I’m logged in. And at the bottom of the FAQ’s it says it’s closed to enrollment - How can I get access to this content so I can prepare for the re-open of the Experts Program? 


Thanks and all the best, 



Apologies @torimitchellco here you go!

@greg.kelly When will this program open up? Many jobs require Zapiercertification now, I am sure I meet the requirements but Zapier has closed the program. What is the plan to reopen?


Hi @burgessalison great to hear from you! We will be contacting all future Experts (those who completed this form) in Q4 2021 to kick-off the reopening process. Thank you for your patience!

Gavin Wiener

Excited for the potential re-opening in the near future!