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My Zap isn't sending the tracking categories to Xero

  • 29 November 2022
  • 6 replies

Hello all.


I have a zap that takes a sale from Dance Studio Pro and sends it as a receive money transaction in Xero.

I have successfully used the Zapier Formatter to extract from the memo the data from my two tracking categories. For some odd reason when I try to send the test data across I get this error:

Test error

I don’t know what this means?

I have two tracking categories. “Activity” and “Location” and it won’t send the transaction if there is any data in either field. Here is the action set up and I have highlighted the fields causing me trouble:

Action Set-up

The highlighted text matches the options in those tracking categories perfectly.


Any idea why this isn’t working?

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Stogi

I’m sorry that you’re having trouble with your Zap, let’s see if we can get things on track for you. 

Often when you use a custom value in a dropdown field, the app expects the ID of the item and not the name/text. What do you see in the dropdown list for the activity and location fields under the name text - is there a number in smaller text? Could you share a screenshot of that?



Userlevel 1

Thanks Danvers.

Attached are the two screen shots. You can see that the “ID” field is blank.

I have also attached my tracking fields in Xero. You can see that they match.


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Stogi 


In the first 2 screenshots, please choose Activity and Location instead of Custom so we can see what value is expected here. 


Please check this quick demo that elaborates this part more 


Userlevel 1

I see.

What is the best way to link the locations and the activities to those ID’s?

I need to make a table but do you have any guides/videos of how to make that table?

Right now my data comes in as one text string “Memo”. Look at this:

Data coming from DSP

In the highlighted text, the text before the “~” is the “Activity” in Xero and the text after the “~” is the “Location in Xero.

I used a text splitter with the Zapier formatter tool to split them. How can I then convert them to these codes:

Activity codes
Location codes


Here they are summarized:

















Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Stogi 


You are almost done, great job! 


Now using the table you created, you will add a Formatter by Zapier step (before the Xero action) and after the other Formatter step. This step will look like this:


  1. Formatter by Zapier > Utilities
  2. Transform > Lookup Table
  3. Lookup Key > the response from the corresponding Formatter step (step 2) which should be something like “Classes” or any off the items on the left side of your table above.
  4. Lookup Table > You will paste the values you have above (for the Activity)
  5. When you test this step you will get the corresponding ID. 
  6. You need to repeat this step for the Location using the value you have from the corresponding Formatter step (step 3)
Userlevel 1

