Hi @Patryk!
Hope you don’t mind but to keep things organised I moved your reply out into it’s own topic here as it’s different from the original issue being discussed in the previous topic.
Going by the instructions in the AI Actions documentation here, the steps mention that they would also need to add the required AI Actions if they don’t already exist in their account. At which point they would be given a configuration link to click and set them up. But once they’ve set them up they wouldn’t need to do that each time they use the GPT again.
When setting them up, they would use their own email account connection in their Zapier account in order for the GPT to be able to send the summary of the conversation to them.
It wouldn’t be possible to have it automatically connect to your own email account. They would need to connect to their own account instead of yours for security reasons, giving them access to perform actions in your own email account wouldn’t be advisable.
Hope that helps to clarify. Please do let me know if I can help with anything else! 
Hmm understand so i wonder if it is possible to give the AI question to open exernal form and send email
That’s a good idea for a workaround @Patryk. Although, I suspect you’d likely run into a similar issue if the form action requires the user to add any authentication in order to access and submit the form.
That said, if you are able to get that up and running please do let us know - very keen to know whether you’re able to get a solution in place for this!