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I have a problem when I’m trying to update an existing database item in Notion. 

The problem is the same as in ticket: Unable to find valid UUID to integrate Notion with Outlook Calendar but the solution isn’t working for me. 

What I am trying to do is to update an database item as a new form submission from Jotform is the trigger. 

So the error I get is: “Failed to create a database item in Notion path failed validation: path.page_id should be a valid uuid, instead was `"JWF75648"`.”

In the printscreens you can see my current configuration. 

Please let me know what I am doing wrong :) 

Hi @Joel Lager 

Good question.

What is your Step 3 in the Zap and how is that configured?

Hi Troy, 

Ooh sorry, i missed that printscreen. 

Here is my step 3 and how it is configured: 



Hi @Joel Lager 


The problem is actually easy, you are passing the Item title instead of the item ID in Notion. You need to replace the “Item” in step 4 with the ID you got from step 3 which looks something like the below screenshot.  


This will fix it


Sometimes I actually hope there would be something wrong in the application and that it for once wouldn’t be me fooling around.

Many thanks for the quick and awesome support! Appreciate it! 

Best regards Joel 

Joel/Moh - You’re the real MVPs—been struggling with a similar issue for 20 minutes, you two saved me. 



is there a way of doing this without paying for a subscription? sick of paywalls!!!!!!
