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Can Zapier move data from a Google Sheet into a Typeform?

  • 9 November 2022
  • 4 replies

I’m looking to complete data in an already-published Typeform, triggered by updating a row in Google Sheets.  Based on what I’ve read about Zapier/Typeform integrations, I’m only able to trigger from Typeform and not to Typeform.  At least not to an existing Typeform.  Any tips?  My application is that once an instructor confirms with me that he taught a class, I manually copy/paste student data into a Typeform which enrolls the student into a HubSpot workflow (we already have a Zap from Typeform to HubSpot).  I was hoping to automate the step between Google Sheets and Typeform.  

Nevermind!  I moved this question to the How Do I forum instead.  Thanks!

Hi @UAV Coach 

Good question.

The Typeform Zap app only has these available actions:


@UAV Coach


Can I pre-populate typeforms?

You can pre-populate typeform questions or statements (but not answer text) with some data using Hidden Fields, which you can find out about here:

So, for example if you know someone's name already, you can feed that into your typeform, so it feels more personal.

You can't pre-populate the text of typeform answers, however - not even with Hidden Fields. We think that this makes respondents' experience feel more natural, like chatting with a friend or colleague. Hidden Field values for each response will be stored and accessible in your Results.

@UAV Coach all good to go? Let us know if you have any remaining questions, we’re here to help!
