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Building a flow between Zapier and Stripe- but the customer email isn't being "pulled', so it keeps resulting in an error.

Hi all. I’m trying to set up a payment flow using Stripe. I want to receive payment then automatically send an email with relevant login info. Everything seems to be okay *except* for some reason Zapier isn’t collecting the customer email. 

I choose “customer email: no data” as the “To” field. This is then highlighted with a yellow message “No data on mapped value”. I’m not sure if that’s correct or not. But it keeps sending emails to “”- this is a default value supplied by Zapier, not me. I obviosuly cannot put in one specific customer email because every customer is different and it needs to be pulled from the Stripe checkout page. The “email” field is part of the Stripe  checkout page, so for some reason Zapier isn’t using it. 

Can someone help me figure out what the problem is? Thank you in advance!

(Also, on a separate topic, is there a way to test this without making a legit purchase? I don’t see how, since there would be no email to pull in a “testing scenario”, but Stripe doesn’t allow me to test $0 transactions, so the only way to ensure this works is to make small monetary tests. If I am wrong, please correct me. )

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Troy Tessalone

Hi @Mistae 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

The only way to truly test is to make a live purchase with the Zap turned ON.

You can check the Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:

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  • July 17, 2024

Thanks. This is what I have in the “To” field: see attached.


The AI gave me the suggestion below. It is definitely something I don’t understand about how to configure the “to” email. I have looked at every email option; the only other that seemed to make possible sense would be “recipient email” but that too is marked as “no data” (just as it says for customer email in the pic).

When I check a previous attempt that failed, I do see the correct email under “Payment Method Billing Details Email” and “Payment Method Link Email” so that was pulled at least.

Any ideas on what’s wrong?

From Zapier’s AI:

The error occurred because the “To Email(s)” field, which is required for sending an email, is missing or not properly populated. In your input data, the “recipients” field is set to ["{{249155__customer__email}}"], which suggests that it is dynamically pulling the email address from a previous step. However, it seems that the placeholder {{249155__customer__email}} might not be resolving correctly, possibly due to a misconfiguration or missing data in the previous steps.

To resolve this issue, ensure that the dynamic field {{249155__customer__email}} is correctly mapped and contains a valid email address. You can do this by:

  1. Checking the output of the step that provides the customer__email value to ensure it is not empty and is correctly formatted.
  2. If the email is coming from a previous step, verify that the data is being passed correctly by reviewing the output of that step.
  3. If necessary, use a “Formatter by Zapier” step to format or extract the email address before it reaches the “Microsoft Outlook” step.

Additionally, you can test the Zap with sample data to ensure that the email address is being correctly populated in the “To Email(s)” field. This will help you identify if the issue is with the data being passed or with the configuration of the Zap itself.



Troy Tessalone


Try using this Zap trigger: Stripe - Checkout Session Completed

Try turning the Zap ON and testing live.

You can check the Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:


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  • July 17, 2024

Thanks, I really appreciate the assistance. I made the changes as instructed. Unfortunately, this time I didn’t even get the ‘error message’ email. I got nothing. The pay went through, but no aspect of the Zap was triggered, even though the first two steps seem ok and have the green check. I checked the logs and its the same problem-- for whatever reason, it is not pulling the “TO” email, so they aren’t sending it out. The first time they used the default nonsense email (example@zapier), this time they used no emails. I’m glad I checked this live cuz if customers paid and didn’t get the email, that would’ve created a terrible issue 🤣.

I wish Stripe would allow me to use 100% coupons, but they won’t, so every time I try this Zap and it fails its costing me $1 in fees. Not much, I know, but I feel stupid for doing it, like I’m just ripping a dollar every time I do it-- is there a way to dry run check this first? I don’t know how since they need an email, but I figured I’d ask.

I will try to find another way to do this without using Zapier for now. But if you have any more ideas, or if anyone ever figures this out, please feel free to clarify. It’s probably something small that I’m overlooking. I’m not particularly familiar with these sorts of apps, so I trust that is the main problem.

Thanks anyway for the help!

Troy Tessalone


Is any email address returned as part of the Zap trigger data?

You may need to use a different email variable for the TO field.


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 7612 replies
  • July 22, 2024

Hi @Mistae 👋

I just came across this thread and wanted to share that there was a recent update made to the Stripe app on Zapier so it should be possible to connect to your Stripe account in test mode which should help to avoid those $1 fees! See this related topic for details: 

Were you since able able to get things resolved here? 

Eager to ensure this gets sorted so please let us know whether you’re still in need of any assistance on this at all! 🙂

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  • July 23, 2024

Thanks SamB! I appreciate the follow-up. Unfortunately I had to abandon Zapier because I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. I did re-visit it just now, and I updated one of the apps involved in the Zap, but I still run into the same issue. I cannot figure out how to “populate” the email in a way where Zap takes the customer email from a Stripe/Paypal purchase and then sends that email followup instructions.

I choose “Send in Outlook”- I added the caveat ‘Only Continue if “The purchase includes certain terms (to ensure the purchase matches)”--- and all of this seems fine. The problem seems to arise from the fact I do not know how to program it to take the customer email. I chose “send email” as the zap and “customer email” as the “to email” (chosen from the list of options Zap offers). I can see why it doesn’t work- there is no customer email “value” there- it says “no data”. But I can’t fill that in myself because the data would be different each time. So I don’t know how to tell zap to “take the customer email from Stripe/PPal).  I have tried to fix it in a variety of way, but it fails every time, no matter what changes I’ve made. That’s where I left off.

To be honest, at this point I’d be a bit concerned that the Zap wouldn’t work, even if it did test okay, cuz the last thing I need is a bunch of people buying something and not getting sent the appropriate link, resulting in me being called a scammer or whatever. It could get pretty drastic if it didn’t work lol. Thus, no worries if you have no idea what the problem is cuz I’ll stick with safety for now. But, if you have any ideas on how to fix it, feel free to let me know. 

Thanks again for following up. :)

Community Manager
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  • July 23, 2024

Thanks for getting back to me on this @Mistae! 🙂

I looked into this further and it appears you’re running into a bug where the New Payment trigger is failing to provide the customer meta data (like email address etc). So I’ve gone ahead and added you to the bug report for that. I can’t make any promises around when it will be fixed but adding you to the bug report does help to increase it’s priority. And it will also ensure that you’re sent an email notification as soon as it’s been resolved. 

That said, that same bug has previously come up before in the Community over here:

There’s a workaround noted on that other Community topic to add a Delay action to have the Zap wait a while to give Stripe’s API time to update, then follow that up with a Find Payment (Stripe) action to obtain the missing meta data. But the delay needed to be 2 hours which isn’t ideal!

So I did some testing and discovered that the New Event trigger is able to pull in the customer meta data! I set it up to trigger on a few different types of events:

And could see the customer email:

As I don’t have access to create the payments I was only able to pull in a successfully paid invoice test records, but thought it worth sharing this with you here in case you were up for testing that New Event trigger in your Zap. 

If you do give that a try and it works, please let me know - would love to share this as an alternative workaround in that other Community topic! 🤞

SamB wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me on this @Mistae! 🙂

I looked into this further and it appears you’re running into a bug where the New Payment trigger is failing to provide the customer meta data (like email address etc). So I’ve gone ahead and added you to the bug report for that. I can’t make any promises around when it will be fixed but adding you to the bug report does help to increase it’s priority. And it will also ensure that you’re sent an email notification as soon as it’s been resolved. 

That said, that same bug has previously come up before in the Community over here:

There’s a workaround noted on that other Community topic to add a Delay action to have the Zap wait a while to give Stripe’s API time to update, then follow that up with a Find Payment (Stripe) action to obtain the missing meta data. But the delay needed to be 2 hours which isn’t ideal!

So I did some testing and discovered that the New Event trigger is able to pull in the customer meta data! I set it up to trigger on a few different types of events:

And could see the customer email:

As I don’t have access to create the payments I was only able to pull in a successfully paid invoice test records, but thought it worth sharing this with you here in case you were up for testing that New Event trigger in your Zap. 

If you do give that a try and it works, please let me know - would love to share this as an alternative workaround in that other Community topic! 🤞

Hello. It’s been about a year since this bug originally was found, and yet, there’s still no fix. This used to work fine. Are there any news? Thank you.

  • Zapier Staff
  • 2469 replies
  • November 26, 2024

Hi ​@RationalLunatic,


Upon checking with the ticket that it was already close and the workaround will be the same with Sam’s suggestion. Did it work for you? 
