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I am creating an integration for my company to offer our functionality natively on Zapier. 

When configuring a webhook trigger I am given the option to configure an Unsubscribe API which I assume is for when a user stops using the trigger. This is great and can help us keep our webhooks clean.

Our Webhook deletion API requires the ID of the webhook to be deleted/removed/unsubscribed from. How do I make reference to the ID of the webhook that is returned from the ‘Subscribe’ request in the ‘Ubsubscribe’ request?

I see I have access to a `{{bundle.subscribeData}}` batch of variables, but I don’t see any explanation of them or their contents anywhere. I’m also curious about their state between requests. 

Hey @swoogrb 👋🏼


You’re on the right track here - {{bundle.subscribeData}} contains the response from the subscribe call. For example, if upon subscription you get back:

"webhook" : {
"id" : 12345,
"url" : "someURL",
"name" : "Test Webhook",
"events" : "events"

^^ This is now the structure of {{bundle.subscribeData}}.

Hope that helps :)

Ah that is perfect, thanks @Bryan S. 
