TIP: Insert Timestamp into Zap Step with {{zap_meta_human_now}}

  • 6 February 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

TIP: Insert Timestamp into Zap Step with {{zap_meta_human_now}}



Use a shortcut variable to insert the timestamp in a field when a Zap step runs.





Timestamp formats are available:

  1. Friendly: {{zap_meta_human_now}}
  2. UNIX: {{zap_meta_timestamp}}
  3. UTC ISO-8601: {{zap_meta_utc_iso}}
    1. Other US Time Zones are available



  • Timestamps can help with tracing and troubleshooting
  • Timestamps can be used as cache busters

2 replies

Is there a way to do this to only display a 2 digit year? for example i would like to input current year “23”

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You can use a Formatter > Date & Time > Format step to change a timestamp format.

Not that I’m aware of with dynamic timestamp variables.

I wish Zapier made more global variables available for that type of use.
