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💲 guide] How to Create Dynamic Stripe Payment Links



Troy Tessalone is a Certified Zapier Expert at Automation Ace.



How to create dynamic Stripe Payment Links via a Zap with different Products and Prices.


Use Case

You want to create a custom Payment Link for a client based on their selections in a form.



You’ll need your Stripe API Key:

Best practice is to use your TEST Stripe API Key first, then switch to your LIVE Stripe API Key.

NOTE: The examples below will focus on the minimum required fields, but know there are additional options available to configure each Zap step based on the Stripe API documentation for each endpoint.


Stripe Payment Links

Learn more:


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: (up to you)
  2. Action: Webhooks - POST (Create Product)
  3. Action: Webhooks - POST (Create Price)
  4. Action: Webhooks - POST (Create Payment Link)
  5. Action: (up to you)


Zap Step: 2

Stripe API Documentation

Create a Product:



  1. There are additional configuration options per the Stripe API Documentation.
  2. For the Basic Auth field, make sure to replace the placeholder STRIPE_API_KEY] with your Stripe API Key (TEST / LIVE).
  3. For the Data, you can set a static value or map a dynamic variable for theses parameters:
    1. name
  4. Leave all other fields as is (blank or default values).
  5. The response will return the generated Product ID that you can map to Step 3.




Zap Step: 3

Stripe API Documentation

Create a Price:



  1. There are additional configuration options per the Stripe API Documentation.
  2. For the Basic Auth field, make sure to replace the placeholder tSTRIPE_API_KEY] with your Stripe API Key (TEST / LIVE).
  3. For the Data, you can set a static value or map a dynamic variable for theses parameters:
    1. currency
    2. unit_amount
      1. Value in CENTS
    3. product
      1. Map from previous step
  4. Leave all other fields as is (blank or default values).
  5. The response will return the generated Price ID that you can map to Step 4.




Zap Step 4

Stripe API Documentation

Create a Payment Link:



  1. There are additional configuration options per the Stripe API Documentation.
  2. For the Basic Auth field, make sure to replace the placeholder pSTRIPE_API_KEY] with your Stripe API Key (TEST / LIVE).
  3. For the Data, you can set a static value or map a dynamic variable for theses parameters:
    1. line_itemsi0]squantity]
    2. line_itemsi0]sprice]
      1. Map from previous step
  4. Leave all other fields as is (blank or default values).
  5. The response will return the generated Stripe Payment Link URL that you can use.





All 3 action steps can be combined into 1 Code step.


Make sure to include the trailing pipe |


Or try using the header as indicated


Wow - that solved it. Thanks.  So easy for you. :)

Could you show please show an example of code to create a payment link from Stripe API in Wordpress and redirect the user to the response URL?

Thank you!

Hi @judagutor 

That would involve front end scripting, whereas Zaps utilize back end (app to app) scripting.

I can’t get this to work.  I think it has something to do with the way that I’m formatting the “Basic Auth” field.  I am just copying and pasting my STRIPE TEST SECRET KEY into the BASIC AUTH field and I get this error:

Failed to create a request in Webhooks by Zapier
The app returned "You did not provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in the Authorization header, using Bearer auth (e.g. 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY'). See". You did not provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in the Authorization header, using Bearer auth (e.g. 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY'). See for details, or we can help at





I just have a question related to the Step 3: POST Stripe API to create Prices.

Does anyone know how to create a price that allows Customer to choose a custom value? I looked it up and it says we could use custom_unit_amount but it always give me error of:

