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I’m trying to set up a Zap where I message a partner of mine (so always the same recipient). I’m aware that I can get the Page-Scoped User ID in the Trigger step, IF the trigger is that the page receives a message, but I’m using a different trigger.

Is there a way that I can find the Page-Scoped User ID for my partner?

Hi @Sigurdur130 

Good question.

Can you clarify which Zap app event you are using for the trigger step? (screenshots)

I’m using a Gmail “New Email Matching Search in Gmail”. I don’t think that’ll help, though: I’m managing a small school and what I’m trying to do is:

  • Trigger: Student emails me at my email about missing a class
  • Action: I message the teacher to let them know 

The action doesn’t pull any information from the trigger.



Please clarify what you mean by “The action doesn’t pull any information from the trigger.”.

It’s unclear what you are trying to do in the other Zap steps.


When a student emails me with the words “Can’t come to Active Icelandic” in the subject (see screenshot) 


I’d like to send my teacher a Messenger message indicating that the student won’t be joining. The message the screen...shot...and now that I’m taking these screenshots for you guys I notice for the first time the alert that ‘you can only respond within 24 hours of a message sent by a user.

Does that imply that Messenger messages CAN’T be sent EXCEPT as an answer?


The Facebook Messenger Zap app is meant to be used by a Page, not by a Person.

@Troy Tessalone

Yes, I’m aware that the Action is ‘send message from Page’. I have a page for the school that I run, which I would have sent the message from. That was not the problem I was running into.

I guess I answered my own question: if messages can’t be sent except as answers, the Page-Scoped User ID really can ONLY be found in the trigger step.

Welp, thanks for trying =)


The FB Messenger Zap app trigger and action are meant to work together in a Zap