Is it possible to fulfill a form in Typeform from Zapier?
I get proposals from companies per email and would be good to connect the information from these emails and fulfill a Typeform (previously created) automatically.
Is it possible to fulfill a form in Typeform from Zapier?
I get proposals from companies per email and would be good to connect the information from these emails and fulfill a Typeform (previously created) automatically.
Best answer by Troy TessaloneBest answer by Troy Tessalone
Good question.
It’s possible to prefill a form using Tyepform hidden fields as indicated by this Typeform article: https://www.typeform.com/help/a/can-i-pre-populate-typeforms-360039114331/
It’s not possible to programmatically submit the prefill Typeform however, even the Typeform API doesn’t support that endpoint: https://developer.typeform.com/get-started/
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