
Trello to Slack Multi-Step Question About Creating New Thread In Slack

  • 16 March 2024
  • 1 reply

In our work flow, a user posts a message to our slack channel with the title of the subject we are working on. The user then replies to their own thread with the URL to the source of their information. It is a clean way to see what each individual is working on.  

So, here is what I am trying to accomplish. 

  1. Trigger: New Card In Trello with the Title and comment filled out with a URL.
  2. New Message Is Created In Slack to a specific Channel with the Title from Trello which starts a thread
  3. At the same time, the comment field that was filled out in Trello sends that URL to the same Thread the Title just created, as a reply. 

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @grouchy,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

You should be able to reply to the same thread by using the “Thread” field in the “Send Channel Message” action. However, if your trigger isn’t the “New Message Posted to Channel” you might not be able to find the Thread Ts to use on the “Thread” field.

I have an idea though, have you tried creating a new Zap for thread replies only? The Zap should look like this:

  1. Trigger: Slack - New Message Posted to Channel
  2. Action: Filter by Zapier - only trigger on Trello related messages
  3. Action: Trello - Find Card - Map the Card Title from the Slack message in the trigger.
  4. Action: Slack - Send Channel Message - Map the Thread TS from the trigger to the “Thread” field.

Do you think this would work for you? Please let me know!