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Line Breaks in HTML

  • 25 September 2020
  • 1 reply


I’m trying to automate emails based on Typeform responses, however all the line breaks that a respondent uses is lost when I send the response as an HTML email. 


E.g. if someone inputs:

-Summary 1
-Summary 2

The HTML output becomes, “-Summary 1 -Summary 2” all in one line and the line break is lost. 


Does someone know how to fix this? Thanks!!!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +7



We need some more information before we can help you. In the community we can not see into your Zap workflows, so you need to provide some more info like:

  • Screenshots of your workflow, or a very good description
  • What you are trying to achieve
  • Where you see the issue now

From what I can see now, I can only think about if you are using the <br/> tags from HTML or not. 
let me know!

