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How to update specific set of rows in destination Google sheet with the latest set of rows in source Google sheet?

  • 4 March 2024
  • 8 replies

In my source sheet, I have 100 new rows added every week. In my destination sheet, I want the first 100 rows to always be replaced by the latest 100 rows added to the source sheet. 


Ex: week 1, the 100 rows in my destination sheet would be the same as the source sheet. In week 2, the 100 rows in my destination sheet would be row 100-200 in my source sheet. 


Is there a way to set this up with a Zapier integration? Thanks! 

Hi @danianne 

Are you trying to trigger this on a set Schedule each week?


@Troy Tessalone  It can either be on a schedule or whenever the rows are added in the source sheet. 

I already have another automation up that adds the 100 rows to the source sheet at a given time each week. So I just need the destination sheet to update accordingly (either at the same time the changes are made to the first sheet, or at a set time following the changes on the source sheet) 


The Zap action GSheets Lookup Row(s) lets you set a Count (e.g. 100).

You’ll have to add a helper column to lookup the rows by. (e.g. USED = true/false)

Then you’ll need to update the origin GSheet to indicate those rows have been used.

To update the destination GSheet, you’ll need to use the row IDs. (e.g. 2-101 assuming row 1 is headers)



@Troy Tessalone I set up the recommended zaps above and get this error at the very last step - do you know what is causing this? I think it might have something to do with Step 2 - where is asks me to specify a column (not sure why) - here I selected any column. Do you know what’s causing the error? Thanks! Screenshots attached 


I added the helper column in the source sheet and updated step 2, but I’m still getting the same error message. Any idea why? Screenshots attached. Thanks! 



We would need to see screenshots with how step 3 is configured to have context about the error.

Is this what you are referring to in step 3? 



Seems like your Zap trigger should be a Schedule.

You need 2 GSheet Update Row steps.

1 to update the rows in the origin GSheet.

1 to update the rows in the destination GSheet.

The fields in the GSheet Update Rows action expect an array of line items.