Hello. I'm trying to retrieve the values of custom fields from the Event Tickets Plus plugin. When setting up Zap, I have the option to choose value 1, "Items," which passes an array of data from the custom fields to Kommo. However, I'm having trouble extracting individual values of these fields in a human-readable format.
Currently, the array looks like this:
{ 'attendees': { '1': { 'meta': { '0': '', '_3cbc7b5febb5543aadf569cfa02961eb': 'Ich bestätige hiermit, dass ich die <a href="https://robboclub.at/agb/" target="_blank">AGB</a> gelesen und <a href="https://robboclub.at/datenschutz/" target="_blank">akzeptiert</a> habe.', 'duerfen-wir-ihr-kind-fotografieren-und-bilder-video-auf-unserer-website-facebook-flyer-verwenden': 'Ja', 'geburtsdatum': '2015-03-14', 'gibt-es-etwas-wichtiges-was-wir-wissen-muessen-worauf-wir-achten-sollen': 'Нет', 'hat-ihr-kind-eine-lebensmittelunvertraeglichkeit-bzw-besondere-diaet-z-b-vegetarisch-wenn-ja-welche-ansonsten-bitte-einfach-nein-eintragen': 'Нет', 'nachname': 'Константин', 'nachname-ihres-kindes': 'К', 'nr': '10', 'postleitzahl': '675000', 'stadt': 'Благ', 'strasse': 'Улица', 'telefonnummer': '89998887766', 'tribe-tickets-plus-iac-email': 'test@mauf.ri', 'tribe-tickets-plus-iac-name': 'Поле 1', 'vorname-ihres-kindes': 'Дарья', 'zweite-telefonnummer-fuer-den-notfall': '12223334455' } } }, 'iac': 'none', 'optout': True }
And I would like to retrieve, for example, just the value of the "Name" field. How can I do that?