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I have a form for people to send me video files.

I have 1 to 5 upload boxes. But not everyone uploads 5 files in total. sometimes 1 , sometimes 3, and sometimes 5. So it can be different.

How can i make the files upload automatically to my google drive without errors in me automation? do i need to set up filters for this? i'm not really figuring out the best way to set this up.

This is the automation I have now for 1 file upload.




OBSERVATION: Still missing the Delay step as previously suggested in the Path that sends the Telegram after releasing the Digest.

Action: Delay - For (1 minute)



For us to have more info about the error, include screenshots of the error and screenshots with how your GDrive Zap step is configured in the CONFIGURE section showing the field mappings.


@Troy Tessalone 

Here more details


In the GDrive step, the File ID field expects the ID variable of the File from a previous step, like this:


@Troy Tessalone

okay I did that and set everything up like you did in the steps you describe. Now I want to put it public and it gives me this error? everything is set up and can't find the error.



You don’t need the GDrive Find File steps.

The GDrive Upload File step will return the ID of the File.

You can map the ID of the GDrive File to the GDrive Add File Sharing Preferences Zap step in each Path.

That will save you Zap Tasks.



You can try clicking the links to be taken to specific Zap steps to review/fix/test.

Otherwise, you will have to go thru each Zap step again to review/test.


@Troy Tessalone

Oké, super, het werkte, alleen krijg ik links naar Google Spreadsheets.
Alleen in de eerste krijg ik een drive-link.


You’ll need to review your Digest steps to make sure you have the correct variable mapped from the correct previous step.

@Troy Tessalone 

Yes right I did that, only it automatically grabs in me Digest step a doc or spreadsheet file from, just not for the first one I set up.


We would need to see screenshots shots how all your Digest Zap steps are configured to have full context.


Also, try turning the Zap ON and test live by filling out the Tally form.

Then check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace and troubleshoot:

@Troy Tessalone 

Add File Sharing Preference

in 2 through 5, upload file ID says sample_file_id and not the linked file, as it does in 1. 

it seems to me that this is causing the problem? how can I adjust this?


Make sure you TEST each Zap step so you have real data returned from a Zap step to map to following Zap steps.


Also, those are not screenshots with how your Digest Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode.

@Troy Tessalone 

Here are the disest steps


Screenshots only showed 2 of the 5 Digest steps.

This Digest entry has the variable mapped before the 1:



Have you done this? (YES or NO)

To test end to end, try turning the Zap ON and test live by filling out the Tally form.

Then check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace and troubleshoot:

Thanks so much its working! @Troy Tessalone 

@Troy Tessalone 

now i have everything on and tested the zap. 

only now if i entered for the test upload file 1 and 3 i get this output in:

it should be that if i enter only 1 and 3 i should receive only the link of 1 and 3. how can i arrange this?


Make sure you release the Digest manually to start fresh.


That may be due to how your Path Filter step conditions are configured.

We would need to see screenshots with how each of your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.


Check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:



@Troy Tessalone 

Here it is on exist as you had described it.
Or do I need to add a filter to this step?


We would need to see screenshots for all of the Path Filter step conditions to have full context.

Here @Troy Tessalone 


Path Filter steps look to be configured correctly.


Did you do this?

Check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:


Post screenshots showing which Paths ran for a Zap Run.

@Troy Tessalone 

Yes I have checked this.

The message path should filter on the links that did get entered.

